KIND: This one word would stop wars and erase hatreds. But its like your bicycle, its just no good unless you get out and use it.
Troop meetings are conducted each week with all Patrols, who then meet afterwards to engage in patrol activities and advancements. Every month there is a scheduled campout somewhere within Florida or a South Florida Council event. Additionally, all members of the Troop are encouraged to participate in the many superb Eagle Scout Projects throughout the year.
We convene a Court of Honor in January and in May to recognize scout participation and advancement. An Eagle Court of Honor is held each April to commend our Eagle Scout candidates.
Each summer our scouts attend an out-of-state BSA Summer Camp or Outdoor Adventure experience. Whitewater rafting, spelunking and/or visiting local resources are always added to the already challenging adventure if possible!
Come on by and visit one of our Troop meetings. Visitors are always welcome. Be sure to introduce yourself to our Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster. For more information or to arrange a formal visit please contact Scoutmaster Julie Ziska at 350-790-8382. All Webelos Patrols are encouraged to attend as a group to meet their Arrow of Light requirement.
Our Troop meetings are held in the fellowship hall of Kendall United Methodist Church, located at 7600 SW 104th Street in Miami, each Tuesday evening starting at 7:30PM – except for school holidays.
At 7:00PM, our Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) meets prior to the Troop meeting. Around 8:00PM, individual patrols meet where they work on scout skills, rank advancement, merit badges, and plan for any upcoming campouts and/or outings.
Membership is open to all boys and girls who have completed the 5th grade, or earned the Arrow of Light, and at least 11 years old, but not yet 18 years old. There are annual dues that cover registration and insurance for each participant. See our Treasurer and/or Scoutmaster for details and answers to all your questions.
The Scouts BSA program has always included uniforms for its members. Scouts and Scouters should wear their uniforms to all scout meetings and outings. Troop 457 Class B T-shirts are available from our Treasurer. Additionally, our uniform recycling program has various uniform items for troop members.
Parents are encouraged to attend all troop activities. This is an excellent time to be a part of your scout's venture, meet other parents and engage in troop concerns.
Monday, March 24 – 28, 2025,
Saturday, May 17, 2025, 8:00 PM